stanley isaacs - annalauradiluggo en

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Stanley Isaacs
Writer, producer and movie director

In early 2019 I journeyed to Italy from Los Angeles to view Annalaura di Luggo’s extraordinary and innovative art project “Napoli Eden”. The project was comprised of four art installations placed through the city of Naples, one of the installations even recalled elements of her award-winning project, “BlindVision”, which allowed the viewer interaction in a most intriguing manor. Through her use of form and color, each installation had a unique voice and character of their own, but shared one common thread, they were all made from recycled aluminum. Each of them was bold, entertaining, inspirational and thought provoking. The closing night ceremony of the exhibit was another example of Annalaura’s genius as a forward thinker, the evening was capped off by a fashion show which consisted of 21 dresses made from recycled aluminum, each one a wearable piece of art. I was also privileged to be asked to participate in the motion picture chronicling Annalaura’s amazing career as an artist and humanitarian... The honor of sharing thoughts and ideas with Annalaura was truly inspiring and in my opinion, Annalaura is clearly one of the most gifted creative forces in the world of contemporary art today.

© Annydi 2020
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